Wednesday, November 10, 2010

2 Weeks Until...

Asher turns a year old!!

This morning I took him to get his pictures made and he is quite the handful. The first time I had his pictures taken professionally he was 2 weeks old and didn't do anything!! At his 6 month pictures he was sitting and smiled so easily and now at 2 weeks shy of turning 1 he was serious and everywhere except in front of the camera!! That said, Mrs. Debbie does such a wonderful job and is patient with her clients.

Yesterday I made a small cake for him to dig into in his pictures and up until now he has not been exposed to any sweets (to my knowledge). So I was a little worried that he wouldn't want to touch it or he wouldn't like it, BUT he LOVED it. He was grabbing for it before I could set him down. As he proceeded to dig through it and eat a little bit I had mixed emotions about him eating the cake.

The pastry chef in me was excited that he loved it because I want my family to love what I love...and I love to bake.

The mother in me was screaming "NO!!!...STOP EATING!!! After a year of following rules and slowly introducing healthy choices and getting you to eat carrots and peas, I am ruining your pure tastebuds!!"

BUT...I think Mrs. Debbie got some good pictures of him eating the cake so maybe once the pictures come in they will be so cute that I won't even remember the debate that went on in my head!!

1 comment:

  1. How do kids know something is sweet before tasting it? It's like instinct! :)
    Can't wait to see your pictures! They sound fun and adorable!
