Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Guess What...

Asher is going to be a big brother and we are having a GIRL!!

This is the absolute best picture that I have so please forgive the terrible photography. Also, this picture is from April and Asher looks so little. He changes so quickly!

Anyway...Jeremy and I are excited. I am about 21 weeks along. We told everyone fairly quickly because it was so hard to keep it a secret but I am just now getting to blog about it!

Asher has no clue what is happening. Although I hope that as I get bigger he will understand that he cannot jump and climb on me like he enjoys doing so much.

We had our ultrasound two weeks ago and Jeremy and I were convinced we were having another boy so imagine the surprise when we were told it is a girl. Jeremy said he almost fell down and my mind immediately went to doing hair! Isn't that crazy! After the shock set in...a couple of days later...we are excited to have a little girl.

We weren't completely set on a name when we went into the appt. but by the time we walked out we had it all figured out. Her name will be Piper Clair Bradshaw. Piper has been on our list for quite some time and we were on the fence about Clair but it just made sense after the appt.

*On a completely different note, I haven't been blogging and just feel terrible about it. There are so many things that Asher is doing that I need to be recording and I fail to do it because I say I don't have time. I will not be using that excuse anymore...I will be blogging more often even it is just a sentence or two so that I can remember what my toddler is doing and what Piper is doing as well.

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