Thursday, January 27, 2011

Wake Up Call

This morning around 3:20 am Jeremy and I were awakened by Asher crying!! Mind you this is NOT a common thing. Occasionally he may cry out but goes right back to bed. So as he is crying Jeremy asks:

"Do you want me to get him?"

Me: "No."

One minute passes and Jeremy asks again

"Do you want me to get him?"

Me: "No. I am thinking."

After 4 minutes of me thinking and Asher crying I get up to tend to him.

When I pick him up from his bed I can feel he is wet, but as I remove his pajamas I am greeted by...

and EXPLODING diaper!!

I mean it didn't rip apart or anything but you know what was oozing out!!

So after getting Asher cleaned up and Jeremy changing the sheets we were ready to go back to bed. I rocked Asher for awhile to remind him that it was, in fact, still dark outside which means we still need to sleep. When I put him down he cried for a bit but went back to sleep.

But I couldn't go back to sleep. All I could think about was when Asher was a baby and we got up every night for a feeding...I mean how did we do that?

Asher is a great sleeper and I don't think I know how lucky I am. So this morning I am reminded to be thankful for what I have...a healthy little boy!!


  1. You are totally lucky! Enjoy your sleeping boy! :)

  2. Beautiful way to end this post... that last sentence is so powerful! Thanks to our Lord for your healthy Asher! He sure is a cutie!!!
